Sunday, November 20, 2011

mongolian blue spot

I've been meaning to take a photo of Rex's Mongolian Blue Spot for a long time and keep forgetting. He's about 18 months now and, while it's started to fade, it's still quite prominent. I never took a photo (that I know of) of John's and I recently realized that his has nearly disappeared, so I regret that I have nothing to show him as he grows up. John's was smaller, though, and lighter in color. Rex's is heart shaped and then his entire left cheek is light purple, similar to a bruise. And the round dot is also part of the birthmark. He also has a light spot on the back of his left shoulder (looks like a shadow in this pic, but it's a light spot) and down on his left foot. Speaking of the spot on his foot & ankle--when he was a young baby, I would carry him around in an infant carrier and people (strangers!) would stop me, concerned, because they thought his foot was blue from lack of blood circulation. Most people were surprised (and relieved perhaps) to hear it was a blue birthmark, and most commented they'd "never heard of such a thing!" Whenever I hand Rex over to a new child care provider, I show them the marks and explain so they aren't mistaken for bruises during a diaper change. ;)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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