Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ultrasound Video

Here is our new baby! They made a DVD for us but for some reason my computer doesn't like DVDs ever since airport security dropped it on the floor. So what I did was take a video of the TV playing the DVD. Plus that gave me the advantage of being able to narrate and say what body parts you are looking at.

The ultrasound tech, named Kia like the car, was the same tech who did my 32 week ultrasound of John David. She didn't remember me so she checked the computer to see if I was right and I was! I remembered her because she teased me about knowing his gender, singing, "I know what it is....." in a sing-song voice.

Anyhow, she also knows what this baby is!

As soon as she put the wand on my belly, the first image looked like a between the legs shot, with a little penis sticking straight up. I said, "Oh yeah, we don't want to know what it is." So she moved it real quick. Then later she referred to the baby as a "she." Hmmmmm so did she "slip" calling it a "she" or was she purposefully trying to throw me off???? Because then she started calling the baby a "he" and after that flipped back and forth between referring to the baby as a HE or a SHE. So I'm utterly confused. But I could swear I saw a penis. Maybe it was just the cord? Time will tell, we'll all just have to wait.

The entire ultrasound took about an hour and fifteen minutes to take all the measurements. Then Kia recorded this 3 minute DVD when she was finished with all of the serious stuff. It doesn't normally take that long but this baby was very comfortable in the position he (or she?) was in, with his butt up against the placenta as a cushy pillow and arms folded behind the head as if he's on vacation lounging in a hammock on the beach somewhere. Kia was trying to get an image of her entire spine but this baby just didn't want to move. See? I'm switching gender on you like Kia did to me. Anyway, he just laid there and refused to budge despite Kia jiggling my tummy over and over. Kia also had me get up and do some walking and hopping to encourage him to move. At one point, you can see her swallowing fluid. And you can also see him putting his thumb in his mouth.

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